Modern sampler – Halfway done

Last week I went back to my modern sampler.
La semaine dernière, j’ai repris mon sampler moderne.

Modern sampler quilt - Block #9 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Taking a break and working on an improv’ quilt was beneficial …
Prendre une pause pour travailler en improvisation a été bénéfique …

Modern sampler quilt - Block #10 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

I switched back to accurate cutting and piecing techniques and completed twelve more blocks !
Je suis revenue aux techniques de coupe et couture précises et j’ai terminé douze nouveaux blocs !

Modern sampler quilt - Block #11 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Modern sampler quilt - Block #12 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

You can see here the same block made by Katie in pink and green with a lovely strawberry fabric. In a definitely more girly style …
Vous pouvez voir ici le même bloc réalisé par Katie, en rose et vert avec un joli tissu à fraises. Dans un style vraiment plus fille …

Modern sampler quilt - Block #13 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

I was not happy with this block I made first with bright yellow solid. I chose to put it aside and I made this one instead. And it is a better match.
Je n’étais pas satisfaite de ce bloc que j’avais d’abord réalisé avec un tissu uni jaune lumineux. J’ai choisi de le mettre de côté et j’ai fait celui-ci à la place. Et il est plus assorti.

Modern sampler quilt - Block #14 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Modern sampler quilt - Block #15 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Modern sampler quilt - Block #16 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

I added these two fabrics to my initial choice. For this project, most of the fabrics are from Carolyn Friedlander collections. But I thought this “hanger” printed fabric from Art Gallery would match too.
J’ai ajouté ces deux tissus à mon choix initial. Pour ce projet, la plupart des tissus sont des collections de Carolyn Friedlander. Mais j’ai trouvé que cet imprimé “cintre” de Art Gallery allait bien aussi avec l’ensemble.

Modern sampler quilt - Block #17 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Modern sampler quilt - Block #18 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Modern sampler quilt - Block #19 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

Not my favorite block …
Pas mon bloc préféré …

Modern sampler quilt - Block #20 - Inspired by Tula Pink City Sampler

So I have now more than half of my blocks ! You can see more blocks here and here.
J’ai donc maintenant plus de la moitié de mes blocs ! Vous pouvez voir les autres blocs ici et ici.

This week I am linking up with Lee for WIP Wednesday, Kelly for NTT and Alyce for Sew Cute Tuesday.

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Merci de votre visite! J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires et y réponds par e-mail.

7 thoughts on “Modern sampler – Halfway done

  1. I think these are from Tula Pink's book City Sampler? Ils sont si intéressants! I like your fabric choices too. Okay, I'm here from WIP but your blog name really piqued my interest…clearly you're a Harry Potter fan! Moi aussi!

  2. You are right. The blocks are from Tula Pink's book. And you guessed it … I am a Harry Potter fan. I really love the character of Luna Lovegood. In addition to that, my goddaughter's name is Luna. So there are two reasons for this name.

  3. I love your fabric choices and clean lines in your blocks. Looking forward to see them sewn together.

  4. This will be an absolutely amazing quilt! I love seeing the variety of each block, and I really like the quiet palette that you are using. I'll be sure to pop back in to see how it all comes together.

  5. That is going to be one gorgeous quilt! Can't wait to see it put together! I love the Doe collection and the other fabrics mix in so well!

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