October 2024

Fragment II – A Finished Quilt

I made this quilt in response to the Quiltcon Fabric Challenge for 2025. You may recognize the design as I initially designed it for Ego & Artifex, another challenge I took part in recently. As soon as I completed my Fragment quilt I knew I would reuse the same idea in the near future. J’ai réalisé ce quilt en réponse au Quiltcon Fabric Challenge pour 2025. Vous reconnaitrez peut-être le design car je l’avais dessiné initialement pour Ego & Artifex, un autre challenge auquel j’ai participé récemment. Dès que j’ai eu terminé mon quilt Fragment, j’ai su que je réutiliserai… +


May 2024

Fragment – A finished quilt

Fragment is my response to patCHquilt challenge, Ego & Artifex. We were asked to choose an artwork from the permanent collection of the Kunsthaus in Zurich and use it as inspiration to create a quilt. The idea was not to replicate it but rather use the colours, shapes, … as a starting point. Fragment est ma réponse au challenge de patCHquilt, Ego & Artifex. Nous devions choisir une oeuvre dans la collection permanente du Kunsthaus de Zurich et l’utiliser comme source d’inspiration pour créer un quilt. L’idée n’était pas de la reproduire mais plutôt d’utiliser les couleurs, formes, … comme… +

Luna Lovequilts - Interaction III quilt - Windham Fabric Challenge 2024


August 2023

Interaction III – A finished quilt

This quilt is my response to the Windham Fabric Challenge which is a Quiltcon category. The participants may use from three to six colours in the palette curated for the challenge and no other fabric may be used on the quilt top or binding. I went for all six colours, even though they were not easy to find … Ce quilt est ma réponse au Windham Fabric Challenge qui est une catégorie à Quiltcon. Les participants peuvent utiliser de trois à six couleurs dans la palette sélectionnée pour le challenge et aucun autre tissu ne peut être utilisé pour le… +

Luna Lovequilts - Pantone Quilt Challenge 2023


May 2023

Interaction II – A finished Quilt

Interaction II is my response to the Pantone Quilt Challenge which features Viva Magenta, Pantone’s 2023 colour of the year. Interaction II est ma réponse au Pantone Quilt Challenge qui présente Viva Magenta, Couleur Pantone pour 2023. The organizers of the challenge suggested a few colorways from different brands of solid fabrics. It is just a guide though since none of them are exact match to the Pantone swatch. I had in my stash the two Kona colours suggested and I decided to incude both in my project. Kona Crush which I used for the striped area and which also… +

Luna Lovequilts - Girl Power quilt - patCHquilt Red Shoes challenge


April 2023

Girl Power – A finished Quilt

Girl Power is my response to the Red Shoes Challenge put together by patCHquilt, the Swiss Quilters Association. Basically, the guidelines were : a contemporary style quilt of up to 100 cm x 100 cm, the colour red being a key point in the design. But when our president first introduced the challenge in the newsletter, she referred to Red Shoes as a symbol of fight against violence towards women, as well as strength and confidence. I chose to work on the positive side of the symbolic as I prefer my quilts to be happy and energizing. A way to… +

Luna Lovequilts - In Conversation quilt challenge


March 2023

Twenty-Nine – A finished Quilt

Twenty-Nine is a mini quilt (16″ x 16″) I made in response to the In Conversation Challenge put on by my friend Tara Glastonbury, an Australian modern quilter. You can find Tara’s work on her website Stitch and Yarn or on her Instagram account @stitchandyarn. Twenty-Nine est un mini quilt (41 cm x 41 cm) que j’ai réalisé en réponse au challenge In Conversation organisé par mon amie Tara Glastonbury, une quilteuse australienne. Vous pouvez retrouver le travail de Tara sur son site web Stitch and Yarn ou sur son compte Instagram @stitchandyarn. The theme, In Conversation, refers to the… +

Luna Lovequilts - Quiltcon 2023 - Quilts ready to ship


December 2022

2022 Submissions

This post is a recap of the submissions I did this year, both for magazines and shows. You can click on the link to have a look at the quilt in full and read the original post. Cet article est une récap des soumissions que j’ai faites cette année, à la fois pour des magazines et expositions. Vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien pour voir le quilt en entier et lire l’article original. There were 2089 quilts submitted for Quiltcon 2023 and the jury chose 481 among them. The maximum number of quilts accepted per person was four (instead of… +

Luna Lovequilts - Shed Quilt - Windham Fabrics Challenge for Quiltcon 2023


October 2022

Shed – A finished quilt

Shed is my entry into Windham Fabrics challenge for Quiltcon 2023.To my husband, the saw tooth shape and the coal and brick colours suggested industrial buildings of the 19th century. It resonated with me, so I decided to name my quilt after that idea. Shed is a word borrowed from the English language and used in French to refer to saw tooth roofs in industrial architecture. Historically a part of the roof was made out of glass to bring day light inside the workshop. I quilted diagonal lines for depicting ray of light. Shed est mon entrée pour Quiltcon 2023… +

Luna Lovequilts - My quilts on display at Nadelwelt Friedrichshafen 2022


October 2022

Quilts on the road

Nadelwelt As mentioned in my previous post, I exhibited with ART-TEX group at Nadelwelt fair in Friedrichshafen (Germany) earlier this month. I had decided that ‘orange’ would be the guideline for choosing my quilts for our gallery. Comme mentionné dans ma publication précédente, j’ai participé avec le groupe ART-TEX au salon Nadelwelt à Friedrichshafen (Allemagne) au début de ce mois. J’avais décidé que la couleur ‘orange’ serait le fil conducteur pour choisir mes quilts pour notre galerie. These quilts were made in different years from 2017 to 2022. Orange Pop (2017) and Eclat (2018) had already been on display in… +

Luna Lovequilts - Festival of Quilts Birmingham 2022 - Impact - Second place in the Modern category


August 2022

August Inspiration

Maryline Collioud-Robert Just one day left to see this exhibition in person! Maryline is showing some of her works from the past thirty years. The quilts are beautifully showcased, with a good lighting, in a lovely place, surrounded by nature in the Gorges de l’Areuse (Neuchâtel area, Switzerland). Plus qu’un jour pour visiter cette exposition en personne ! Maryline montre une partie de son travail réalisé ces trente dernières années. Les quilts sont bien mis en valeur, avec un bon éclairage, dans un joli espace entouré de nature dans les Gorges de l’Areuse (région Neuchâtel, Suisse). Side by side, two… +